01 January 2013

Hello 2013!

This is the end of another chapter of our lives and the beginning of a new one. A new year means a lot to some of us because It is the start of new possibilities and chances. A chance to live again, to breathe, to start a new, to forgive, and maybe a chance to love again. This year is another year to hope and to dream, to give and to receive and to be happy and to be contented. There is only one thing to describe 2012-- bittersweet. It has its ups and downs but it was one hell of a roller-coaster ride and boy did I enjoy that! I'm very thankful for everything I have right now and I can't even believe how blessed I am.  Its been a great 2012 for me and I hope it was for you too. Happy New Year! I know 2013 will be better!

Here are some photos during New Year:


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