26 September 2014

Jill turns 18

The past two weeks have been hectic with all the exams here and there and I'm just happy to have the time to do nothing at all which means updating the blog. Yay!

Today, I'm going to post some photos from Jill Yap's pre-debut and on site shoot. Hope you kinda like them! ;)

Happy 18th Jilly!


07 September 2014

Hi, Hello, Hola, Jambo, Ni Hao

There are 3 things I've realized today: 

1. The word "jk" means Just Kidding. And I thought it means Joke! Though it means the same it's still different! Thanks 9gag for correcting people.
2. I haven't posed in such a loooooooong time.
3. I am a terrible blogger. An atrocious blogger.

First off, I just want to explain why I haven't posted. My lappy, which I got as a present when I graduated, died. No need to go over on what really happened because it still breaks my heart *silently weeps on the side*. I've been lappy-less for over a year now and it's been hard especially when there are a lot of homeworks to be done using one. But the suffering ended yesterday thanks to my Daddyo and Mudra. Yaaaay! Ok stop.

Sooooo.. I'm gonna break my 431-day hibernation and start posting again! I'm ecstatic to begin this journey again and I hope I'm going to make it despite the crazy schedule and workload I have in school! *fingers crossed* *praying to all that's holy*

C xx